Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Where was Abby?

I'm one smart little Pug.  

My momma asked me to come out and help her today, but it was rainin' off and on all day. 

Pretty soon, momma was looking for me.  She was afraid I was down in the pasture where the wolves could jump out and get a fat little pug, and she got scared.  She came across the yard calling for me. 

I was at the door, waitin' for her. 

"Here I am, momma, ready to go inside where it's warm!" 

(Momma let me in!) 


  1. Oh Ab's you cannot scare your momma like that...bark or something next time, my puggies have done the very same thing to meet and my heart beat 100 times to fast!!
    stella rose's momma

  2. She ain't raisin' a dummy huh Abby!
