Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Workin' Around the Farm

It has been very, very hot here, not good for little puggy girls to be outside.  

We've been doin' a lot of this. 

Hot or not, momma still makes me go out to do my business.  See that big ole pile of hair on the left? 
My brother Ranger is getting FURMINATED, whatever that means! 

I love him so much, isn't he handsome? 

I'm gettin' real tired of playin' in the house ALL THE TIME! 

Let's go back inside! 

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Helpin' in the Chicken House

Here I am last night in the henspa... helpin' my momma again.  
At least... I THINK I'm helpin' her! 

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Helpin' My Momma

Look!  I'm UNGROUNDED!  I did NOT chase that Butch rooster up on top of the can, either.... he was already up there.  He lives in the feed room because he only has one eye. 

He's kind of scary lookin'! 

I am gettin' a drink from the chicken waterer because it was HOT out yesterday.  My momma said I could only be out for five minutes! 

Here I am waitin' for momma to get my dinner ready? 

Why do mommas tease us? 

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Long Time No See

Okay, I'm kiddin' here. 
My little puggy paws cannot operate the camera, and I don't have thumbs to do the keys. 

My momma has been busy, and so have I. 

You see my puppies (kids) are gettin' BIG! They still get a little bit of milk, though, and my daddy is givin' it to them on the fourth. 

My brother Ranger and I checked 'em out good. 
They are fine! 

I'm stickin' with my momma, so I can go in the pasture with her. 

We've been doin' a lot of this, because it's been so hot.  Here I am with Dino, my favorite Stuffie. 

My furriend Benny is still Fighting Like a Frenchie against the Big C. 

Won't you go and help him here?

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Thursday Comments

My momma has been lettin' our babies out into the pasture a lot, lately. 

They even got to do chores with her last night, and go in the henyards. 

I didn't get to, because she knows I'll chase these guys: 

And I would, too! 

Momma also said it's too muddy, and my belly would get muddy dragging in it. 

I keep trying to get my daddy to stay home every day with my momma, Lilly, Ranger and me.  
It's not working.  

Monday, June 17, 2013


My furriends and my human friends, 
Benny the French bulldog, 
at Benny and Lilly, here 
needs our help. 

Benny has been diagnosed with cancer

He has made me laugh many times, with the things he and the beautiful Lilly do. 

Let's all help him now, please... so he can go on posting in Blogville for all of us! 

There is a button thingy on his blog... can you press it and help him, please? 

I'm Still Here!

I'm still here.  My daddy went with my grandpa on a fishin' trip, and my momma was here with her grandson and his friend last week, so they were very, very busy working at our farm. 

It was hot, so Lilly, Ranger and I stayed in, mostly. 

I did get to go out sometimes, but it was just so hot for little puggies. 

My babies are gettin' big... Kody always wants to go out in the pasture and play, and Kaycee is almost finished with his bottles. 

Somethin' sure smelled good in this corner.  Momma needs to cut the grass in the babie's yard, but it rained hard this morning. 

I know my sister Lilly is ALWAYS protectin' us... it makes us all feel better. 

But when it's hot out, I RULE the couch! 

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

My Goats

I'm still grounded from the chicken yard, because I got to go in, but chased the three little chicks last night. 
I looked sad and gave puppy dog eyes to my momma, but she means business this time. 

So, I went to see the goats. 

These guys are getting' bigger than me!  That's Kody's ear in the camera, he was trying to climb on momma. 

I'm doin' a good job, momma, can I have some milk, too? 

Let's go out in the pasture and play! 

Saturday, June 1, 2013


Grounded and in Big Trouble. 

I don't know, I look pretty innocent here. 

But I was really lookin' for those little roosters.  The Five Little Guys, my momma calls them. 
I found 'em and I chased 'em.  Even through the mud. 

Now where'd they go????

Boy, did my momma tell me to 

I did. 
I'm still grounded from the chicken yard tomorrow. 

Farm Stuff

It's been rainin' a lot at our house lately

I've been spendin' a lot of time like this. 

My momma says I'm slackin' off. 

Now where ARE those chickens? 

Hmmmm. Somethin' down here tastes GOOD! 

I took my babies for their walkies several times, until it got so wet momma didn't want us out in it. 

Aren't they gettin' big? 

I'm just a hard-workin' farm dog! 

Momma's cuttin' our wet pasture tomorrow, and I'll take the babies for their walk again, and we'll take pictures. We're gettin' ANOTHER little baby next week, and then my herd will be complete! 

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

A Whole Week has Passed!

My momma has been very busy this week, and a whole week has passed since she helped me do a post.  We'll try to catch up. 

Here I am in the goat barn havin' a drink... it was a hot day and the grands were here, playin' with me and the goats. 

Jax and Paitie found the babies in their little tunnel under the hay.  I had to keep an eye on them so they wouldn't hurt my babies. 

My momma has been makin' (encouraging!) me help her a lot outside, and whew, it wears a little pug OUT! 

I took Kody and Kaycee for a walk, and they stayed right with me. 

Phew!  Goats smell worse than pugs, let me tell you! 

"I'm losing weight, I'm losing weight"

Hmmmm... I found something here to eat, I'm gonna grab it before momma sees me! 

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Takin' Care of My Babies

Takin' care of our babies is an important job. 

Today I checked out their little barn to make sure nothin' bad was in it. 

'Cause we let them loose in the pasture to play. 

I saw something and ran to check it out...

(barked 3 minutes at the waving grass....momma) 

These guys follow me EVERYWHERE.  They even smell my behind like they think they are DOGS! 

Pretty soon I got hot, and I went to sit with my brother on the porch. 

C'mon, momma, it's time to go in! 

We also read today that a nice pug named Coco has crossed the Rainbow Bridge.  We are sorry for his pawrents and his family, and all his friends.  I didn't know him, but he sounds like he was very, very nice.  
I hope he can find Gertie and Hannah, and have some new friends there while he waits for his momma to come someday. 

Friday, May 17, 2013

I Gots a New Thingy!

My momma says it's called a "harness" and I have to wear it sometimes. 

She says if I can learn to walk with it, then I get to go to a "park", whatever that is! 

I wore it out to see the babies, and had to walk on a "leash".   

We have strange men here, and they are working in our yard. 

They are putting in a "patio" that momma says will be a place where we can sit and eat and talk. 
You see that Lilly is checkin' it out. 

I'm all for eatin'! 

Momma says that "blue is my color"! 

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Daddy and Me and Kody and Kaycee

Daddy says I'm the best Aunt Abby there is, and help all the time with the Little Guys. 

Sunday, May 12, 2013

We had to Take a Break

We had to go away for a while.  A boy who used to live here with us had to go be with God now, where my little sister Gertie went, and where my older sister Hannah went.  
I don't understand, but my parents were very, very sorry and sad for the last week. 

My momma says we have to get back on a routine so that things are better, and I agree.  I liked seeing Chris, my friend (momma's grandson) while he was here watching us, but I'm glad my momma and daddy are home now. 

You see I am taking good care of my little friends, Kaycee and Kody. 

We investigate stuff together. 

My momma says I am their Aunt Abby.  She is trying to get a picture when they stand on me... but she said she is laughing so hard when they do it, that she can't take the picture.  The things I have to do for my pawrents! 

My momma says we have missed reading everyone's stories this past week, and we will get around to everyone in the next few days. 

Monday, May 6, 2013

I Gots a NEW JOB!!!

Okay, where are you guys? 

I know you are in here somewhere! 

Momma said I had to check on you and make sure you are A OK. 

I see you! 

Wake up! 

I wanna make sure you are okay!


They're okay, and they are MY NEW JOB!!!!