Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Workin' Around the Farm

It has been very, very hot here, not good for little puggy girls to be outside.  

We've been doin' a lot of this. 

Hot or not, momma still makes me go out to do my business.  See that big ole pile of hair on the left? 
My brother Ranger is getting FURMINATED, whatever that means! 

I love him so much, isn't he handsome? 

I'm gettin' real tired of playin' in the house ALL THE TIME! 

Let's go back inside! 

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Helpin' in the Chicken House

Here I am last night in the henspa... helpin' my momma again.  
At least... I THINK I'm helpin' her! 

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Helpin' My Momma

Look!  I'm UNGROUNDED!  I did NOT chase that Butch rooster up on top of the can, either.... he was already up there.  He lives in the feed room because he only has one eye. 

He's kind of scary lookin'! 

I am gettin' a drink from the chicken waterer because it was HOT out yesterday.  My momma said I could only be out for five minutes! 

Here I am waitin' for momma to get my dinner ready? 

Why do mommas tease us? 

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Long Time No See

Okay, I'm kiddin' here. 
My little puggy paws cannot operate the camera, and I don't have thumbs to do the keys. 

My momma has been busy, and so have I. 

You see my puppies (kids) are gettin' BIG! They still get a little bit of milk, though, and my daddy is givin' it to them on the fourth. 

My brother Ranger and I checked 'em out good. 
They are fine! 

I'm stickin' with my momma, so I can go in the pasture with her. 

We've been doin' a lot of this, because it's been so hot.  Here I am with Dino, my favorite Stuffie. 

My furriend Benny is still Fighting Like a Frenchie against the Big C. 

Won't you go and help him here?