Tuesday, May 28, 2013

A Whole Week has Passed!

My momma has been very busy this week, and a whole week has passed since she helped me do a post.  We'll try to catch up. 

Here I am in the goat barn havin' a drink... it was a hot day and the grands were here, playin' with me and the goats. 

Jax and Paitie found the babies in their little tunnel under the hay.  I had to keep an eye on them so they wouldn't hurt my babies. 

My momma has been makin' (encouraging!) me help her a lot outside, and whew, it wears a little pug OUT! 

I took Kody and Kaycee for a walk, and they stayed right with me. 

Phew!  Goats smell worse than pugs, let me tell you! 

"I'm losing weight, I'm losing weight"

Hmmmm... I found something here to eat, I'm gonna grab it before momma sees me! 


  1. Hi Abby
    You are looking great! All that work that your doing on your farm keeps you very busy!
    I love those baby boats even if they are stinky.

  2. I REALLY did notice that you are losing weight! Good work Abby.

  3. We thinks those goats are gonna be a little bigger than you abby....also we told Molly the Wally to sign you up for next weeks sunday addition. She should be getting hold of you soon.
    stella rose
